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How to Hire the Perfect Team of Camera Crew

professional production setup with camera and lights

Many organizations employ video to communicate with their audience through creating corporate video and social media video. Whether you’re in need of a Las Vegas video crew or a complete video production company, you need to determine who can do the work in the way you want it done. However, your reputation is on the line.

HUSTL Media Production constantly gets contacted by various agencies, businesses, tv networks to handle productions on their behalf. Their calls require us to be the camera crew for filming in Las Vegas. This is rather typical for the corporate testimonials and trade show booth videos. We capture the video and then send it to the client for editing at their office. It eliminates the need for the client to fly in their own video camera crew and get to the Herry Reid airport or O’Hare airports only to find out that their luggage got lost in transit.

A good cameraman, also known as a camera operator, can greatly contribute to the achievement of the desired results in your project. Having the right equipment and a good team in place means that the producer can at least be confident that they will get the shots that they require.

Many a time, the clients do not even know some of the critical factors that they should consider when trying to compare one video production company with another. The following checklist will help you get a local film crew that is fully capable of doing the job and addresses a number of questions that will help to get the video shoot off to a good start.

Checklist on Hiring a Camera Crew


Do you think that you can fit all the video that you need to shoot into the given amount of time?

We are happy to assist clients in anyway they wish to be assisted. We offer our camera crews on a 365/24/7 basis without charging our clients any extra fee for the camera crews. However, can one conduct one client interview in Las Vegas, NV, one in Henderson, NV and the third one in Mesquite, NV in one day? Unlikely but possible. You need to be realistic about timing and logistics.


Are you aware of the approximate cost for what you are requesting? What specific equipment would you require for the filming?

It is relatively cheaper to shoot a video in Las Vegas, NV than in the two coasts of the United States of America. Still, everyone has to earn a living for a living. The prices are calculated with regard to the number of the tv crew, the number of days of shooting, the camera and other equipment. When speaking with the patient for the first time on the phone explain your plan to make sure that everything is clear. These factors more than anything else will determine pricing; that is, the pricing will depend on these factors.

There are also factors which are out of the production companies control. Parking at LVCC can be as much as $40 a day, during special events event more. Other unidentified expenses that are inevitable in the video production shoots. Trust me, you will be happy that you did when the final invoices are presented to you.

Need additional services? We also deal with numerous other people in the industry. Do you need a makeup artist, a production assistant, special effects or any other crew? Tell me more, I can probably suggest you a good one.

Who is Performing the Video Shoot?

It may appear rather strange to ask this question at first. But, twice in the last one year we have been called upon at the eleventh hour to come and save a shoot that had been booked to another video production company. Most of the “production” companies will place ads and optimize their website for the search terms related to video camera crews. But guess what, they are not even based in Las Vegas, NV

The client made the booking with a company through an 800 number. The client unknowingly dialed the wrong number and the number they dialed belonged to Los Angeles. That production company then just hired a local shooter in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, nobody comes on the day of the shoot, the shoot day was wasted and the client felt cheated because of it.

Video Shoot Needs

What specific production equipment would you like the camera crew to have?

Describe the event, how do you imagine the shoot to happen? Are you coming to fly in and do a basic interview or is this a Presidential speech and you require a teleprompter?

HUSTL Media has many video production equipment. All we have to do is to make sure that we come along with the necessary equipment that you would wish to be used in shooting the video. Some of the equipment that we possess are multiple cameras, lighting kits, wired/wireless microphones and camera support equipment. We have almost anything that you may be in need of.

If you have any special request feel free to inform us. Chances are we can probably get it for you. Once more, the clear exchange of information at the beginning of the production process can prevent many problems in the future.


Which HD or 4k (6 or 8K?) do you want?

We are also able to record in 4K or HD (1080P, 1080i, or 720P) just by toggling a single button. Kindly ensure to indicate the version that your project will be edited in.

We sometimes capture more than the requested quality, but we shall inform you about this. For example, shoot in 4K for a project that will be delivered in 1080P. The larger raster will provide your video editor more options when he or she is in the process of editing the video.

Also related to this is frame rate, how are we recording this? 24, 30, 60, or some other fps? All of them have their own advantages, if you are not sure which one to choose, just contact us and we will be glad to discuss which one will suit your project.

Is this one part of a long video production or is it a stand-alone video? Maybe you are recording a video that has interviews from Atlanta, LA, and Chicago. If we are the Las Vegeas camera crew for hire we want to make sure that our footage appears to be shot in the same manner as the other video. Can you forward us a frame from the Atlanta and LA files? We can then match “look” and lighting with the previous shoots to ensure that your footage will turn out the same as the previous ones and not different.


Are you in a position to lawfully use the footage that the camera operator we dispatched just filmed?

We normally carry video releases with us. However, they are quite broad. If your company has talent and location releases forward them to us. We will print them and be holding them during the video shoot.

This simple step will make sure that your shoot investment is safeguarded while giving you full permission to use the audio/video clips that you have shot on location. It helps you to keep all the footage for your intended use and you do not have to face any unpleasant situation later on.

Video Footage Transfer

How are the camera crew transmitting the footage to you?

It really depends on your schedule and the amount of video that needs to be captured as to how the footage will be gotten to you. It is as simple as buying a hard drive and shipping it to you via UPS is not a big deal. It can take up to a week though [unless expedited], how soon do you need it?

You can be sure that we keep all that we shoot for at least three months to make sure that the drive gets to you safely. In case of any problem, be sure to report it to us as soon as possible and we shall file a complaint with the shippers. We also have a safety copy of the footage at our offices.

A frequently asked question is, “Can you FTP the footage?” I would say, “Maybe!” when replying to this question. Depends on the format, frame rate and the duration of the shoot, how much footage do we have? Sometimes we can. At times it would take us more than a day to upload the files due to the large size of the files.

Then there is the challenge that appears to be typical of ftp’s. They are not really intended for ingesting as large a raw footage files as we create. Most of the FTP services do not permit the footage upload properly and are likely to hang frequently. Receiving the footage on the client side is also an issue. Many accidents have been reported there as well. It can be quite annoying for both the sender and the receiver of the ftp at times.

Last but not the least; if we are in a position to upload the clips, KINDLY DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PLAY ON THE FTP WEBSITE. These built in players were intended to play short videos. Not raw camera files. The quality of the footage and your playback experience will be horrible. Kindly download the footage and then play it from your local machine from the hard disk.

We assure you when we ask, “Where do you want the footage shipped?” We believe this is the most efficient way of getting the footage to you. Even better, bring a hard drive with you to the video shoot and we can transfer the footage at the end of the shoot. We are a PC house, format it NTFS, or if you’re a Mac house, exFAT.


1. What are the essential skills and qualifications to look for in a camera crew?

When hiring a camera crew, look for individuals with relevant experience, skills, and qualifications in their respective roles. For example, a director of photography should have a strong portfolio and experience with camera operation, lighting, and composition. A camera operator should have excellent hand-eye coordination, attention to detail, and the ability to work well under pressure.

2. How do I find the right camera crew for my specific project needs?

To find the right camera crew for your project, consider the type of production, budget, and location. Research local camera crews, ask for referrals, and check online directories. Review their portfolios, watch their reels, and read testimonials from previous clients. This will give you an idea of their style, expertise, and work quality.

3. What is the importance of chemistry and communication in a camera crew?

A camera crew is only as strong as its weakest link. Look for individuals who not only have the necessary skills but also possess excellent communication and teamwork skills. A cohesive crew that can work well together will ensure a smoother production, better collaboration, and a higher-quality final product.

4. How do I ensure that the camera crew I hire has the necessary equipment and resources?

Before hiring a camera crew, ask about their equipment and resources. Do they have access to the latest cameras, lenses, and lighting? Do they have a reliable transportation and storage system? Ensure that they have the necessary equipment and resources to meet your project’s requirements and deliver high-quality footage.

5. What questions should I ask during the interview process to ensure I’m hiring the right camera crew?

During the interview process, ask questions that will give you insight into the camera crew’s experience, skills, and work style. Some examples include: What’s your experience with similar projects? Can you walk me through your workflow? How do you handle unexpected challenges on set? What’s your approach to collaboration and communication? How do you ensure that the final product meets the client’s expectations?

To book our services, kindly send us an email at or directly call us at (702) 980 -9620. You may also learn more about us and our campaigns by visiting our website – HUSTL Media.

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